Personal Pathway

Blueprint & Instructions


Download the Personal Pathway Blueprint, a free resource to help you create your own Pathway to access the Akashic Records and/or beyond.

Helen offers Personal Pathway Sessions if you need more support with the process.


The Personal Pathway Instructions is a free companion resource to the Personal Pathway Blueprint.

The Blueprint is a suggested seven-step structure to support you in attuning to the innate channel within your being.

Personal Pathway

A Personal Pathway is an invocation that consciously and deliberately connects the source of a human with the energy of the Akasha and the Source of Your Consciousness. It is an energetic and vibrational channel(s) to align you with everything you desire to know and enhance your experience in this lifetime and beyond.

Personal Pathway Blueprint

The Personal Pathway Blueprint is a suggested seven-step structure to support you in attuning to the innate channel(s) within your being. This channel will provide you with the experience to Embody the Source of your Consciousness, so you can have access to the imprints and wisdom within the Akashic field and beyond. In personalizing your Pathway to access this source of energy and consciousness, you deliberately create a path(s) to connect and communicate with this source information. The outline helps you create an invocation to consciously connect to this channel(s).

You will be releasing old ways of defining the intimate relationship you have with this source of energy to express your personal way of defining your presence to honor the truth within. As you move through this work your true voice will emerge. There is no need to go searching for it, it will find you. It wants to find you. It has been waiting to find you.