Somatic EMDR combines Somatic Experiencing with EMDR therapy to address and heal both the psychological and physical impacts of trauma. By integrating these two innovative approaches, individuals can process traumatic memories, reduce emotional distress, and reconnect with their bodies, reclaiming a sense of safety and autonomy. Trauma expert Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, even considers Somatic Therapy and EMDR Therapy to be the most effective trauma treatments.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy is a comprehensive method that blends elements from various therapeutic approaches and uses a structured protocol to treat conditions like PTSD and the experiences associated with it that trigger negative beliefs, emotions, and sensations.
Somatic Experiencing provides essential concepts and techniques for integrating a unified Somatic approach into EMDR. Techniques such as sensory tracking, heightening awareness, boundary awareness, and self-regulation enhance the effectiveness of Somatic EMDR Therapy. Together, these modalities offer a powerful tool for healing trauma.
By helping to explore the root causes of pain, it can create positive change such as shifting negative thought patterns, restoring a sense of safety and vitality, processing traumatic memories, alleviating emotional distress, as well as decreasing chronic pain, improving relaxation, and raising self-esteem. Integrating the two approaches is a profound healing resource for anyone grappling with trauma. Most importantly, it is known to produce fast results. Though every person’s experience is unique, within the first three sessions, 80% to 90% of people notice beneficial results.
Video recordings of Zoom sessions are available for a $10 administrative fee.